

Update May 2018

From 19 to 30 March 2018 another stay in Mexico / Tulum took place. During this time, a series of activities and events around the World Water Day 2018 were scheduled, mainly initiated / organized by our partner Amigos de Sian Ka'an in schools and public spaces. The small Citizen Science project was also presented on the occasion. As it turned out, the project's content and objectives fit perfectly into the growing diversity of local activities as an expression of increasing public attention for the groundwater issue in Tulum ...

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Amigos de Sian Ka'an, Cancun

Amigos de Sian Ka'an is one of the leading NGOs in Mexico dedicated to environmental conservation and sustainable development. We were founded in 1986 in order to fulfill the civil society's need to make operational the newly established Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Over the years, the organization has expanded its work to the entire state of Quintana Roo, in the Eastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula in the Mexican Caribbean.
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Geological Survey of Austria, Vienna

'Geology is omnipresent. Our daily grind is cross-linked with its geological base in different ways. In fact, how we perceive geology varies as much as the many aspects of this science which deals with the origin and structure of the Earth'
(from '')


University of Neuchatel

When created in 1965, the Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN) was focused on karst studies, the emblematic limestone structures of its native region. Today, the CHYN is among the world foremost institutions in almost all fields of modern hydrogeology and geothermics.

Its mission fulfills key issues for society: improvement of knowledge of renewable groundwater and energy resources, development of strategies for their sustainable management and transmission of knowledge through specialized education programs.
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Tulum Citizen Scientists

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Supporters, Divers,....

Bil Phillips (

Robbie and Richie Schmittner (

Leopoldo Pellon (

JBL Germany (

Sr Nebi

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